Data Security
Please protect sensitive data at all times throughout your online transaction. Make sure that nobody can see over your shoulder when typing in personal information and close your browser when you have finished. The School and its third party suppliers have used their reasonable endeavours to ensure that access to information provided and the payments you make whilst using this site are secure. We work to protect the security of your information during transmission. The site is secured using a Thawed SSL Web Server Certificate to offer you secure communications by automatically encrypting all data when it is entered.
You should be aware that the computer that you use to attach to the online-payments system (via a web browser) must also be secure, and include the latest operating system, software and anti-virus updates. The use of a shared computer to connect to the online-payments system could increase the risk that others will see your sensitive information.
The School online-payments system will require you to enter your credit card details. The online-payments system will always have a web address (URL) that starts with