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My 2nd home

By December 1, 2022No Comments1 min read

My 2nd home

Being an introvert and a homesick student, this place is my 2nd home. Even now, when I think of this wonderful forest of knowledge, I get lost in my thoughts because my brain bombards my mind with illusions saturated with tons of feelings and events.

The tsunami of joy we surfed through when out teachers gave us a star mark or a “Good” comment, our souls get flooded with motivation to break down records

although they last for that day only.
The juicy tomatoes that used to ripen, when we use to get scolded for pulling pranks on everyone, now brings a smile as those scoldings did work their magic and got our names on the billboard.

“My 2nd home”

Priyanshu SamantarayFrom the batch 2021-2022